Monday, August 29, 2005

Paid in Full?

Once you've RSVP'd to the reunion, don't forget to send a check for $30 per person to Jill (Whitlow) Luallen, 100 S. Elmwood Ave., Unit #8, Oak Park, IL, 60302. The sooner you submit, the better for us, your reunion committee, as we are fronting the bill until Oct. 8.
If you're interested in the GOLF outing on Saturday, Oct. 8, contact Yezin Taha:
Lastly, be sure to fill out the autobiographical portion of the Reunion Survey, if you haven't done so already, and send it to
-Your reunion committee

Monday, August 15, 2005

Survey Says ...

As of August 15, the following classmates have responded to our survey and expressed interest in attending the reunion. Maiden names are in (parentheses). If your information is listed incorrectly here, please let me know.

Karalee (Arbuckle) Harrington, Michelle (Bailey) Shumaker, Brent Baker, Ron Bass, Loretta Baud, Charles Bischoff, Janel (Bolender) Dowling, Kate (Boylan) Striegel, Beau Bradle, Erika Brenneman, Ryan Broich, Anthony Brown, Brad Busing, Debbie Cassell, Julie Chiu, Marissa Cope, Kevin Corbly, Jen (Hanover) Dawson, Chris DeMay, Jaime Dillow, Jenny Doyle, Stefanie Duffy, Troy Emberton, Angela (Evans) Malinowski, Pepper Falatko, Andy Farnsworth, Stacy (First) Robertson, Kristi Followell, Amy (Foster) Sears, Stacy (Gilmore) Boots, Angela Gizzarelli, Laura Goeckner, Dan Gordon, Jaime Gray, Alycia (Hammond) Stark, Amy Hammond, Stephanie Hatten, Stefanie (Hawbecker) Frost, Starkey Hedger, Wendy (Hepner) Corbly, Jason Higgins, Jen (Hoeber) Yormark, Marilyn Holcomb, Jamie Jennings, Lisa Johnson, Nick Karch, Lisa Karr-Lilienthal, Jamie (Kelly) Sennett, Sarah (Kelly) Alexander, Ticcoya Kendrick, Stefanie (Laesch) Mercado, Kristen (Landauer) Muse, Jennifer (Lane) Atteberry, Ashley (Lawson) deFreese, Ben Libert, Tom Lowe, Sarah Luna, Chris Maaks, Kelly Malinowski, Kristin (Mouser) Myers, Amanda (Mays) Johnson, Andrew McClure, Angela Meyers, Justin Meyers, Julie Montgomery, Mundy (Mott) Hendrickson, Deborah (Nickels) Smith, Chi-Chi Nnakwe, Mike Oesch, Jamie (Paul) Spencer, Kari Jo (Pennington) Frost, David Rehagen, Kara (Render) Heuer, James Rinne, Melissa (Rollins) Edwards, Steve Rustameyer, Tonia Sanford, Morgan (Schmidt) Blake, Kim Schwelle, Steve Schwulst, Jeff Semelka, Wendy Shank, Ashley Sheridan, Cody Smith, Kelly Smith, Shanon (Smith) Scott, Rachel Sompong, Corey Spera, Eric Stark, Daryl Starkey, Andy Streenz, Stasia (Swanson) Rice, Sara Takacs, Yezin Taha, Sara Takacs, Bob Tolone, Jenny Tow, Kim (Trembley) Peterson, Amy Turner, Brad Turner, Claire (Varner) Brucker, Erin Walker, Emily (Washburn) Heer, Michelle (Watson) Starkey, Glenn Wera, Nicole (White) Kistner, Jill (Whitlow) Luallen, Kristin Willan, Christine (Williams) Grizzard, Jason Williamson, Chrissy Winter, Renee Woodward, Robert Erik Wright, Amanda Wycoff, Nate Zimmerman

Thursday, August 11, 2005

So far, so good

As several of you have noticed, the blog is behind schedule, aka, it is not up-to-date. Our apologies. New postings will be made shortly. Names will also be added to the Survey Says ... posting, so that you can see which of your classmates have responded to the survey and may or may not be attending the reunion this fall (October 8--MARK YOUR CALENDARS!).
Thanks for reading! And thanks to everyone who has already RSVP'd to the Evite!